z - traduction vers arabe
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z - traduction vers arabe

Z; Geschwänztes Z; Geschwänztes z; Tailed z; Geschwaenztes Z; Geschwaenztes z; Geschwanztes z; Geschwanztes Z; Z (letter); 𝓩; Z with tail; Long-tailed z; ASCII 90; ASCII 122; \x5A; U+005A; U+007A; Letter Z; Zett; Tailed Z
  • Phoenician Zayin
  • Zayin
  • Proto-Sinaitic Zayin
  • 20px

اسْم : الحرف السادس والعشرون من الأبجدية الإنكليزية
الحرف السادس و العشرون من الابجدية الانجليزية شئ معتبر فى المقام السادس و العشرين او الخامس و العشرين او الرابع و العشرين من حيث الترتيب او الطبقة شئ على صورة حرف Z إمتداد ملف .
  • 3D Cartesian coordinate handedness
  • (''a'', ''b'')}} and ''r'' is the radius.
  • (1, −1, 1}}).
  • Fig. 7 – The left-handed orientation is shown on the left, and the right-handed on the right.
  • The four quadrants of a Cartesian coordinate system
  • (2, 3, 4)}}.
  • The [[right-hand rule]]
  • Fig. 8 – The right-handed Cartesian coordinate system indicating the coordinate planes.
Z-Axis Limited; Z-Axis, Ltd.; Z-Axis Ltd.; Z-Axis (company); Z-Axis; Z-Axis Games
المحور Z .


·- Z, the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet, is a vocal Consonant. It is taken from the Latin letter Z, which came from the Greek alphabet, this having it from a Semitic source. The ultimate origin is probably Egyptian. Etymologically, it is most closely related to s, y, and j; as in glass, glaze; ·Eng. yoke, ·Gr./·Lat. yugum; ·Eng. zealous, jealous. ·see Guide to Pronunciation, // 273, 274.



Z (or z) is the 26th and last letter of the Latin alphabet, as used in the modern English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and others worldwide. Its usual names in English are zed () and zee (), with an occasional archaic variant izzard ().

Exemples de prononciation pour z
1. Z.
Downloaded _ Alex Winter _ Talks at Google
2. z goes into z squared, plus c.
3. and z.
Make Money Not Stress _ Ryan Harris _ Talks at Google
4. For Russell's enunciation, that's F-I-Z-Z.
Transendental Meditations Impact _ Russell Brand + More _ Talks at Google
5. Z. I honestly do.
Legendary Children _ Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour z
1. Public hospitals fees have gone up from Z$300 to between Z$800,000 and Z$1m (US$10) with immediate effect, the state–owned Herald newspaper reported.
2. The bank also raised the daily withdrawal limit for individuals from Z$20,000 to Z$50,000, The Herald newspaper said.
3. Mr Murerwa said the deficit had already soared to Z$5,700bn by June 30, a level which also exceeds previous full year forecasts for this year of Z$4,500bn He nevertheless announced a Z$6,600bn rise in public spending – equivalent to eight per cent of GDP – including Z$3,000bn to cover public service wages, allowances and pensions, Z$1,400bn for drought relief, and a further Z$1,'00bn to service domestic debt.
4. The only significant tax concession announced by Mr Murerwa was a rise in the basic threshold for individual income, tax to Z$15m (Z$81) a month from Z$1m.
5. He criticized the bill‘s Z‘‘ visa proposal that would allow illegal immigrants to gain citizenship eventually. It‘s quite simple – don‘t make a permanent ‘Z‘ visa,‘‘ Romney said.